


Superfly Pte Ltd as owner of Superfly Tactical (SMD)

I understand that SMD is the facilitator of all classes under Superfly Tactical(“Class”)

I am a participant of the Superfly Tactical Classes and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions: 

  1. I understand that SMD will be co-ordinating the classes and whilst measures will be taken by SMD to ensure a safe environment for the Classes, I acknowledge that Martial Arts is a physical activity and like any sport / discipline there are inherent risks associated with it and I shall be responsible for my well-being during the Classes. 

  2. I agree that SMD, and each of its representatives, agents and employees shall not be liable for any damage, claims, actions, proceedings, losses, charges and any other liabilities of whatsoever nature or description, arising from or in connection with with any injury or death, loss, or damage suffered by me in connection with the classes.

  3. I agree to indemnify and keep fully indemnified SMD, and each of its representatives, agents and employees from all damage, claims, actions, proceedings, losses, charges and any other liabilities of whatsoever nature or description against each of the above-mentioned entities arising from or in connection with my participation in the classes.

  4. I agree that SMD reserves the right to refuse my participation in the classes any at time, whether it is prior to or during the class and upon SMD’s determination in its sole discretion, I shall leave the class immediately.  

  5. I understand that photographs, audio and visual recordings may be taken for the classes, which shall include the classes and various other activities and such photographs, audio and visual recordings may be used by SMD for its archival and promotional materials and may be published in various mediums including websites, social media sites, brochures and press media and I hereby give my consent to the use of such photographs, audio and visual recordings where I am featured or captured.

  6. I confirm that the information provided by me in this Consent & Declaration is to the best of my knowledge true, accurate and complete. 

 I confirm that I have read the above terms and conditions and agree to be bound by the above terms and conditions. For participants below 18 years old, the Consent & Declaration must be authorised by a parent or guardian.  Accepting registration and booking into the class confirms acceptance and authorisation of the above terms and conditions.